Reg-Quality WMV Version2 Hot Dommes Goddess Jasmine Knight Madame Raven Rae have a blast hitting down Their bitch at the club. Its club night and Theyre going out looking for real boys, but before They do that, They have some joy hammering down this fellow whos certainly not a real man in The Goddesses opinion. Then They disrobe Their footwear and socks off so They can shove Their sweaty barefeet in his those pretty feet suck alllllll the sweat off, bitch. Fortunate bitch, right?Bonus part at the end you MUST see! The 2 Goddesses take the filming slave outside behind the club and make him to kneel so They can make him idolize Their feet while people walk by. The Girls love it laugh that the loser is being seen by walkers-by! Want to get beaten up by these Goddesses in person? They both give Their email addresses in this clip!