Carmela was participating to a large manifestation for the womens rights that day, and that manifestation was passing right in from of my home. This eighteen year old lady actually knocks at my door, to know if it was possible to use my toilet, and she was truly insisting. She was indeed desperate to piss, so she said she would be ready to do anything to use my toilet. I truly had a crush of her high knees black socks as soon as she came in, and I was wondering what they would smell after walking a lot in that manifestation. When Carmela asked me about my work, I told her that I am actually an pro to give foot rubdown, and I would be more than blessed to give her a nice one if she desired to take a little break of that manifestation. I also told her that I truly need to record that foot rubdown session with a camera, because its the best way to improve my foot rubdown mechanisms. Carmela sits on my couch, ready to take a nice break from that long womens right manifestation, and gives me the permission to take her footwear off to give some attention to her feet. She was actually ready for a nice foot rubdown session, but the smell of her socks was so strong! I just could not believe it! She starts groping her sweaty socks all over my face, without indeed paying attention to me. She makes me sniff the sweaty bottom of her socks, and it seems like she wants to demonstrate me about womens superiority! She makes me take some deep breaths in her socks, and also makes me stick my tongue out to munch the sweaty bottom of her socks! I indeed love that moment with both of her sweaty socks on my face, and indeed love that view between her legs! Carmela was a very special and exciting experience, and I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! Hot Clip Alert!
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