Absolutely futile for anything! This slave is simply too stupid to indulge my feet decently! He is incapable of slurping and pampering them to my satisfaction. What a futile slave pig. For that I will penalize him. I demonstrate him what my feet are capable of and give him a few hard stamps with,y feet. I kick his head and stand on his neck. I take the air from him and drive him to the edge of sanity. Will his mind work properly again? I dont think so and all because he hasnt understood how to correctly spoil the feet of his mistress. It just didnt get through his tick skull. But I will beat it into him. Now it gets really rough for this .
My Stupid ‘sissy’ Is Doing Housework Today it was time for my slave to do the houswork at my place. Dressed as a ...
Tamara’s Sweaty Workout Feet Tamara likes to humiliate this loser slave for absolutely no reason so today was ...
Lollipop Girl 2 Nothing seems to amuse this Princess more than a lollipop and a face to sit on! ...
I Like To Kick Your Testicles I love to see Pete going down after my kicks, because it gives my power and i ...
My Middle Finger Ultimately a movie of my middle finger. You could not wait - I know. You always ...
Murderotica Sits On A Youthfull Face This was a indeed funny shoot for all of us! We just couldnt stop laughing ...
Youth 4 A fresh 18 year old female Stella comes in our kingdom. Lil' but very pretty, ...
Mandy’s Sweaty Feet Challenge Mandy also heard about our sweaty socks challenge and it seems like she truly ...
Slave As Seat Cushion For A Sexy Jeans Butt Mistress Anna wears a brief white jeans. She has tied this loser, he cannot ...
Combat Boots And Holey Nylon Stockings Xenia 21 takes off her combat boots and holey nylon stockings and shows her feet ...