I have been filming with this fortunate slave, and Its time for me to unwind. Hes fortunate enough to be on palm while I love my break so Ill use him as my chair. I get him to assume the servile position and make myself convenient. I sit on his mouth with my beautiful and powerful gams astride his neck. Just in case he gets any ideas, Ill be able to squeeze his head until it pops. I also have a jennings gag to put into his mouth, its good to hear those ratchets as it quickly opens his mouth nice and broad for me. I also so love hearing that gargled sound as he attempts to breathe. I light up and begin to love my cigarette, making sure my bitch is convenient and ready to be my ash-pot. As I proceed to smoke, I flick my ash into his mouth making sure its nice and hot. I want him to suffer and he must remain in his stressfull position until I allow him to move. Having finished my cigarette and stubbed it out on my bitchs tongue. Im so enjoying myself, and he makes such a good piece of furniture. I decide to have another cigarette. His mouth is now filling up with ash, and hes choking well. I finally finish him off with another hot stub out on his tongue and leaving him choking for my .
Suffer For Your Goddess My perverted little slave is laying on the ground waiting for me to stamp all ...
Donna Vol 3 Part 2 Donna has very nice gams, just listen to the swish of those nylons as she walks ...
Mummy In Leather Ankle Boots Winter. In one of this this cold days, you see Mummy in leather ankle boots. She ...
Greedy Feet Wields You Custom-made movie:Same setup up as the ?goddess g-spot mantra? only it?s your ...
Lady Vivian Smokes ....und lacht dich aus! Dich und dein Miniteil! hahahahahahahaha.
Eww I figured Eww is an suitable clip title considering that was Melissas main ...
Rubber Romance 1 Rubber Romance - The bizarre lovemaking of the spandex lady and a fetishist. Gig ...
Power Liz – Clip 03 Steves neck tightly wrapped between LIZs legs, Leo in a painful arm-bar..
Miss Lidia Muddy Boots 2 One more clip with extremely muddy soles of beautiful Miss Lidia.
Throttle – Jessy 6 Sexy Jessy is draping on the phone while she smothers her victim! She wears a ...