Today my bitch of a slave is being disciplined. He has done nothing wrong, I just want him to understand that in case he has any ideas, Im very good at dishing out hardship. Hes my fucktoy and will always be under my control. I have him masked and put him in a Zentai suit with a very taut rubber ball gag in his mouth. He is also wearing a rubber mask, so he cant see. I also zipped his head in the Zentai spandex hood making it nice and taut. My bitch has some scensory depravation as he cant hear, see or speak. I have had him in the dungeon space all day roped to the bench in a very tense position. He cant escape. What a delightful way to spend the day. As I treatment, he commences to make some muffled noises as he breathes through his taut gag. I sit on the bench and tell him to smooch my boots. Its difficult for him as he cant see a thing, so after a while its time to liquidate his fetish mask. As he is unzipped he lets out a gasp of ease, its brief lived as I tell him to proceed to smooch my boots. I want him to get that tongue of his going, so I eliminate his ball gag, and get him to eat my beautiful silky stocking feet. I have a leash that I fasten to his neck corset and love giving it a few tugs to keep him alert. He mumbles something, so I decide to intensify his punishment. I pull his leash very tight and place my feet over his face, pressing extremely hard on his face to completely smother him. He cant escape as I tighten my grip on hes leash. His muffled squeaks are so amusing, as I continue with his torment. I stick my foot into his mouth, telling him to get it open wider, as he chokes and struggles for breath. I continue to make my bitch suffer, with footsmother and footgagging until I think hes had enough. I finish him off with a couple of slaps to his head, as I leave him blindfolded and tied to the bench until I return. Maybe Ill have another suitable punishment for my .
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