You are my prisoner in my basement. I have you on your knees wearing a taut dog collar and leash, and strapped to my bench. You have had to wait for me to arrive. You still dont know whats in store for you. All you know is that your situation is hopless, I alone will determine your fate. I am going to get you to gobble clean a pair of my favourite boots. If you do a good job. I may permit you the privilege of remaining on your knees. You need to make sure that tongue of yours is tonguing every part of my boots. I have a singletail whip and will strike you to make sure you understand. From the beginning, I can see Im going to have to make you suffer. Your a lazy cockslut and you are making me angry. I want to see my boots shining, or the bullwhip will make sure your back has a switch of colour. Eventually, as I look down on your pathetic face, you think you are finished and have done a good enough job of cleaning my boots. Not Im dissapointed and sick listening to your continual peeps. So Im going to prize you with a nice Taut ballgag, and put your head in a plastic bag. You will helplessly suffer until I decide what to do with you. Breath in for me Mistress .
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