A rich snobby college brat is retarded boys next customer! Alright I want you to embark with this! she says pointing down to her left heel! Shes fairly requiring! The retard comments about how soft the feet of her high-heeled slippers are. I know. They cost me enough! she says seemingly annoyed by his stupidity! Munch the high-heeled slippers. she requests making sure he misses nothing! She then further abases him and puts him down for his mental dissabilities! See you wouldnt have to be doing this if you werent a retard, you know that? She slams his salary next! Those footwear are worth more than what youre going to make in a entire year! So eat it! she says hinting for him to put more effort into cleaning! You know if you had an education you wouldnt have to be doing this. she states! This rich private school lady is MEAN! She keeps putting him down telling him how she makes so much more money than he does! She makes him shine the tops of her footwear too! She wants those high-heeled shoes sparkling clean! PROLOGUE: The economys been bad recently and no company will hire a retard during a recession! So in order to make completes meat he had to find a way to make a little money just to feed himself and pay the bills so he doesnt find himself living on the streets without a roof over his head. So he places an add on craigslist as a shoe shiner for youthful students. In order to stand out from the competition he claims the cleaning is totally done by TONGUE! Instantaneously he gets flooded with e-mails from students wanting their boots cleaned! This is the story of a retard during hard economic times!