High Schoolers Kim and Melina are back with another pair of dirty boots for the poor shoe boy to clean. My gum ran out of taste. You want it? Ill stick it on my shoe! Kim says laughing while sticking her gum at the bottom of her shoe for him to eat! Itll mix in good with all that filth hes eating off the feet of their boots! Alright, eat the gum, chew it, do whatever you want with it but I want it off my shoe! Prompt! Youre fortunate I didnt step in poo! Kim tells him! Melina asks Hows the gum? Gooey?. Kim adds Did you gasp on it?The doll's are anxious for him to finish, at this rate theyll be late for class! The girls feel sorry for him, doing this as a living. They pity his sad existance! At least theyll always have clean shoes and know where hell always be :.