GROWN MAN SPANKED BY A LITTLE Female! Well this is a most embarassing situation for any grown man! Just imagine being arched over Kates knees, pants pulled down, then SPANKED! Yes SPANKED! By a little damsel! In the clip you can clearly see just how much shes loving it too! She SPANKS him so hard he completes up tearing! Just when you thought it cant possibly get any more embarassing than this she GAGS HIM WITH HER Undies as she resumes to SPANK him! THIS IS OUR Very first SPANKING CLIP AND IT WAS ALL KATES IDEA! SHE WOULDNT TAKE NO FOR AN Response ON INSISTED ON SPANKING HIM! IT WAS WORTH THE PAIN JUST TO SEE THE SMILE ON HER FACE! ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY SHES THE STRENGTH AND PRIDE OF OUR COMPANY! CLIP TIME 2:34.