Mein Imperium – Das Schicksal Der Sklaven December 8, 2020 Mein Sklaven Imperium wchst und wchst! Jede Stunde kriechen neue Diener an und wollen mir zu Fen liegen und das ist auch gut so! Du liebe es wie ich…
The Unable Slave August 17, 2020 Here we are, today my slave arrived to make some movies, so I dressed as a nun with a pvc dress and I have him lie on the bed, we embark with getting…
Briela Bastinade Chair Fff August 7, 2020 Briela, Miranda and Carolina get together to have a joy time with a little Bondage & Discipline. Undecided whether to have any kittling or bastinade…
Miranda Kittle Chair Fff August 5, 2020 Briela, Miranda and Carolina get together to have a joy time with a little D/s. Undecided whether to have any kittling or bastinade session, they…
Introducing You Miss Jessica Wood March 24, 2020 Hello my dear customers. Let me introduce you to Miss Jessica Wood. You know her very likely already as she is fairly famous on the D/s scene, but…
Patient Temptation Part 2 March 19, 2020 In the 2nd part of the patient temptation, the slave would very likely sign any contract if he could. Even the head is immovable in Segufix and only…
Bfs Kristina 152c September 30, 2019 This man with tied up forearms seems to be the most defenseless creature in the world. His salacious female dominatrix is crazy of bdsm games, and…
Lydia Z – A Brutal Thrashingtvmov November 17, 2014 next clip with lady lydiaz in our store! Coming from east europe she is indeed into Bondage & Discipline. in this very first clip she will demonstrate…
Jenna Dee And Cassidy – 2 Ladies Preparing Highresmov April 7, 2011 we often demonstrate clips where a lady is preparing herself for a slaves thrashing, cuz we are persuaded, that Sadism & Masochism is something that…