Food Packed With Spit For The Loser December 8, 2020 When two sadomasochistic minds come together the slaves suffer even more! My friend Madison joins me for this extreme abjection movie where were going…
Human Trash – Extreme Abjection And Slobbering By Mistress Beh Girlsfetishbrazil January 23, 2019 As Mistress Beh said: Garbage Place is in the trash! It was what she did to her slave, it was used as a dump, Beh put all kinds of garbage, the slave…
Slave Humiliation September 18, 2016 Extreme abasement!! Exactly the thing a slave like you needs! You are nothing! And you deserve nothing more than to be disciplined and abjected!…
Observe Out You Will Cry Very Soon September 11, 2016 Only observe this clip if you can treat it to practice the truth, slave! Extreme abjection and torment! Today I will display you what you are best…