Did YOU recovered from the very first two severe whippings with mia mane and swetlana already? its time for the next brutal superior lady whipping YOU…
Sophisticated predominance and harsh penalty, she cracks him and then stomps him. Mistress Morrigan is a powerful women in so many ways, grovelling at…
Princess Rachel loves her cigarette very first, using the slave as a asthry. Then she starts to drool in his stupid old face and slap it hard, continu…
PART 1 - FRIDAY 08:47 P. M. - RUBBERS PART 2 - FRIDAY 10:53 P. M. - NEEDLE PLAY PART 3 - SATURDAY 12:38 A. M. - SPIKES PART 4 - SATURDAY 02:00 P. M. -…
My slave has been disappointing me lately, and I have determined to penalize her. She is tightly corded, and I have placed her feet in a spreader bar.…
The fresh slave prospect was permitted to emerge for another session. Finally I have to check if the new one is really suitable to be used and trained…